
Showing posts from June, 2024

Day 7: DIY Chocolate Bars and Disney Inspiration

Soooo, you might be thinking, "Huh, Day 7. What happened to Day 6?"  Well, I'm doing the days slightly out of order because yesterday was packed so full of incredible stuff that it was too much to unpack before going to bed. We've been getting back to the hotel very late the last few nights and getting up on the early side (it stays light much later into the evening here!).  So, in this post, I'm going to cover our travel day, and hopefully tomorrow I will get to the big day yesterday which was a highlight for many (I know it was for me!). Though today we had a pretty epic stop... read on! Today we left Switzerland to end our trip in Munich ("Munchen") via Liechtenstein (a landlocked country with a prince and a population of 50,000 or so who are all upper class and fairly affluent; while the prince is 80, haha, he does have grandsons, and I think all the "countries" featured in hallmark movies with a prince for the female protagonist to fall in...