Japan: Day 1

Well, we're here! Here's our "Proof of Life" group photo to prove it:

We had a few plane delays and almost didn't get on our 2nd leg, but we managed to make it just before they shut the doors. 

Upon arrival at the Haneda Airport (Tokyo), we waited in a passport/immigration line that might have put Disneyland lines to shame. Thankfully, it moved swiftly, so there wasn't much standing around.
After bumbling our way through the customs paperwork to find our Tour Director, Michiyo Sato (up to this point there might have been a few students (they will remain nameless) who almost left their luggage behind if Ms. Ruch hadn't been vigilant on their behalf...), we loaded onto our bus.

Before doing so, however, there was quite the buzz about the squat toilets in the girls airport bathroom (none of the students were ready to use one yet, but I'll do some coaxing and hopefully they'll warm up to it so they get the full cultural experience), and a few students already tried one of Japan's tell-tale vending machines.

After what felt like a short bus ride through Japan's longest tunnel (it really went on and on; someone doing a hold-your-breath challenge would have passed out before making it 1/3 of the way through), we arrived at our hotel. Our room reminds me of a cruise ship room, but in a cozy, quaint sort of way. So far, everything here has been very compact and tiny. For instance, the bathroom is like a cube or capsule, with everything designed to get wet.

We were each given 2,000 yen (about $15) to use to find dinner near our hotel (in groups, of course!), so I'm sure some students will have a story or two to tell! The chaperones made a meal of gyoza and ramen with moments of inexplicable laughing fits (a few (once again nameless) individuals might struggle to use chopsticks...). 

A lovely start to the trip.

That's it for Day 1! Our first full day in Tokyo starts tomorrow. Woohoo!

~Ms. Carr


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