Day 5: Zippin to Schweiz
Is it really obvious Mrs. Williams didn't help me with this post's title? 😂 I will start with a fun fact and trivia question to set up the next day of our trip: "Schweiz" is the Swiss German term for "Switzerland." For trivia, what are the four official languages of Switzerland (here's a hint: none of them is English!)?* Today was a travel/transition day as we made our way into Switzerland from France. And how did we make that transition? The bullet train! Bojan says this train cuts down a six hour bus or car ride into a roughly three hour train ride. The only downside to this exciting way of getting around for us car-loving Americans is our train left at 7:25am, which meant in order to give ourselves decent cushion as a big group, everyone had to be packed and ready to load onto the bus by 5:30am. Phew! Not surprisingly, everyone delivered (a few students MIGHT have blown through the meet-up time and kept sleeping if a thoughtful chaperone hadn't...
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